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From Kargil To The Coup Pdf Free Download UPDATED

From Kargil To The Coup Pdf Free Download

  • Jayesh Raval

    Nasim Zehra's conclusion is applicable to all countries and all spheres of life. If the civilian authorities is non competent and strong institutional decision making, then Military machine or other vested interest can occupy the vacuum. It is important that elected civilian government is briefed by competent people on all important states matter and decision making strictly on the footing of the Institutional footing and not one private. For example, cabinet committie on security. The book should be also office of International relation studies autonomously from defece studies. Keen compilation and contribution to hereafter generation by Nasim. Thanks from India.

  • Dynamic Art By Hunar

    the first guy on QA who was emotional, is admittedly right. The Generals didn't lose any sons, normal public did, on both sides. and all for what?? i sympathise the place to be emotional was wrong, but he was absolutely right about the ability of paper and also the power of incompetence in wrong hands.


    I praise her because manipulating truth is a hard chore and she did information technology well.

  • sushil k

    Great piece of work Nasim mam. Will read your volume soon.Love from India. I heard a lot most this book and the kind of effort you put in. Best wishes.

  • rasikapriya4ever

    Gen Musharraf had grossly failed to assess the Indian ground forces's reaction as pointed out past Lt. Gen. Shahid Aziz. It is appalling that the gang of four even failed to notation that there were alternating routes to Siachen.

  • n2201

    I dearest the way she talks, confidence & clarity. Looking forward to reading the book

    • WA-hornet

      WA-hornetYıl önce +iii

      Yup, she wrote information technology for the folks like you.

  • Kakkaji kahin

    Conversations/communications between US president and Indian PM, from Lahore bus trip till finish of Kargil war are eye opener on what had transpired. Many books have been written on the theme that "nawaj sharif was non informed".These books are very poor cover upwards/smoke screen for much bigger failure, that happened so, on global Geo-political stage. Gauss what? Inkling is in first sentence of the annotate.

  • Ranish DrehenMeister

    I really want to buy her volume only refrained to do and so when she said MiGs were shot on Pak side of LOC.clearly Pak positions 10km within LOC on Indian positions.when you lot betoken a stinger why do you point it from behind.As Indian govt gave orders to the Ground forces and Airforce non to attack from rear as it would mean crossing the LOC. There were many other discrepancies.

    • Ranish DrehenMeister

    • Saurav Singh

      Saurav SinghAylar önce

      I take read the book. 80% of it nosotros already know. I tin suggest better books of Pakistani writers if yous're interested. Permit me know.

    • Gurkirat Singh Hanspal

      Gurkirat Singh Hanspal5 aylar önce +2

      Totally agree with you. In fact the way she put information technology seems to suggest that IAF crossed the line and hence were shot downwards.....whereas the fact is that Nachiketa's MIG 27 flamed out and a MIG 21 went downward to expect for it when it got shot down. Likewise unreported is that the MIG 21 pilot's torso was returned with bullet marks.
      Crossed the LOC, my human foot!!!

  • Jitesh Verma

    She has to accept a well calculated and measured stand up. Else, Pak army would brand her vanish in sparse air.
    No wonder she never attacks Pak army straight as an institution.

  • Jayesh Mistry

    00:thirty:05 PM of Pakistan was aware of things, not merely that she supported the army'south deportment in Kargil.
    Wow, they all take mastered the skills of lying.

    • Vinay Acharya

      Vinay Acharya6 aylar önce +1

      Lying or concealing facts is a survival skill in Pakistan. Unfortunately...

    • Onkar Sharma

      Onkar Sharmahalf-dozen aylar önce +1

      Bro she take to live after it. So obviously she tin can't be 100% honest hither. You lot simply have to read betwixt the lines.

  • ADNAN Shahid

    Kargil was a debacle for u.s. ! Musharraf blunder

  • sacha admi

    Gora chacha hits blast on the head.
    Regular army main knew information technology
    And then it was institutional
    How tin can yous deny?

  • Ashokvarma

    Bharat lost confidence in Pakistan with the Kargil war. We opened up our border to ship coach every bit a gesture of friendship, but you sent your army for occupying Kashmir. Anyway, respect to the armies of both sides. Jai Hind

    • Art Ram

      Art Ram21 gün önce

      @Saurav Singh
      Actually Kargil town was in Islamic republic of pakistan mitt till 1971 and changed easily after the 1971 war and became Indian territory

    • Saurav Singh

      Saurav SinghAylar önce +1

      @Sarf M Oh actually. When was NH1D was in Pakistani control the pak ground forces was trying to cut off in 1999. You demand to read some history son.

    • Sarf M

      Sarf ChiliadAylar önce

      Concord on Pakistan tried to become those area back you occupied in 1971 . Update your knowledge please else close up and listen

  • n2201

    I wish there was a bit more than talk almost the end of war to the coupe

  • hempepe7

  • Shanu Kumar

    India responded the states what did musharaff expect that indian army will send them flowers bouquet...🙄

    • Karthik Vijapurapu

      Karthik Vijapurapu6 aylar önce +ane

      @Prateek Truthful. But Siachen was off-white game. As the border simply ended at the foothills of the glacier whereas Kargil is firmly on the Indian side of the LOC.

    • Prateek

      Prateek9 aylar önce +1

      You lot meet... When Siachen happened in 84' ... Pakistan army doesn't had stomach to fight their.. They expected like response from our side....!

  • Jdee A

    A country which has to exist in debts forever has to be in a safe diplomatic space, of course..

  • unforgettable_1990

    May be u r a practiced writer, simply similar other pski's u also seem to be afraid of speaking against pak army.

    • John Willy

      John Willysix aylar önce

      @Jack Kilo What do you hateful by your part of the world?

    • John Willy

      John Willy6 aylar önce

      And you lot must exist the smart one in you lot village.

    • tony poll

      tony pollsix aylar önce +3

      @John Willy stop crying

    • John Willy

      John Willy6 aylar önce

      Shree peradventure you want look absurd calling a lady from Pakistan (pski's), and of course this tells us how smart youre! simply keep that in mind that this word Paki is used by British to insult all South Asian. We hope that people like y'all grow upwards this is 2021 not 1220.

  • Rohit Nagpal

    Love from Bharat to All the Pakistani'due south (except the Military generals and politicians)
    Armed forces generals and politicians are of no good in Pakistan. Aforementioned goes for the politicians in India.

  • Krish KINGDOM

    nosotros take siachen,you cant accept information technology take kargil,we have it back.
    when india does something there is no coming conscientious what you wish for.

    • Tiks Wanderer

      Tiks Wanderer6 aylar önce +1

      @Salman Syed lol
      Learn to write first
      armies fight well that is what they are trained for
      Yous your generals . politicians have delusions which you tin can't get rid of

    • Tiks Wanderer

      Tiks Wandererhalf-dozen aylar önce +i

      @Salman Syed niaziz wiped out Islamic republic of pakistan In 71
      And you lot have got another impaired niazi in 21
      Im the dim

    • Tiks Wanderer

      Tiks Wandererhalf-dozen aylar önce +1

      @ADNAN Shahid and what have you washed
      Similar your politicians you have besides grand delusions
      Try to make tea and sell information technology
      That is only what you are.good at

    • Tiks Wanderer

      Tiks Wanderersix aylar önce +1

      @ADNAN Shahid ya and when will you accept back due east pakistan People's republic of bangladesh whipped your asses
      You are notwithstanding taking loans all.over the World for burnol

    • Tiks Wanderer

      Tiks Wanderer6 aylar önce +1

      @Salman Syed yes you. Can make only tea
      You were afraid and had to release Abhinandan
      That is your capacity only
      Sell. tea around the world
      Yous tin can't manufacture a pin
      And airs of highest kind

  • nvcworld

    Taking Siachen is different than the Kargil


    Yeh catastrophe sahi hai🤣🤣🤣

  • tony poll

    A knock out speak for itself madam ... 1965, 1971, 1999 ... come this side of the line we will make sure u take ur meeting with your maker


    This lady is very sharp merely on bias and propaganda mode.

  • hempepe7

    What a liar she is
    Republic of india takes the mail service and and so pak takes some post

    • Sandeep Kodam

      Sandeep Kodam6 aylar önce +ane

      @ADNAN Shahid proper name the general or else information technology's but an accusation

    • ADNAN Shahid

      ADNAN Shahidhalf dozen aylar önce +1

      Her book is a comprehensive review ! Even Indian Generals take said it's not a bias volume

  • shyam k

    Riyaste pudina dhaniya 🤣🤣🤣

  • shadow Prince

    Is this available in Republic of india??

    • Kill roy 6597

    • ADNAN Shahid

  • vineet singh gusain

    Occupy .. mind bogling... did they went up fighting

  • commonerIndian

  • Saurav Singh

    All countries accept armies. But Pakistani army has a country.

  • Azaz Ali

    Tin can i go a copy of that plzzz

    • hempepe7

  • hempepe7

    Dawn leak ridiculous
    You are wrong

  • One World

  • M S

    M Six aylar önce +1

    Misadventure of general done past him

  • Suprakash Chatterjee

    She is telling the truth, though trying difficult to glorify n dignify Pak regular army n gov.But at the same time foolishly bringing disgrace to both Pak Army n Pak thru her facts n words.Since both Pak Army north Pak istan is immoral,fool, coward to say the least.

    • Shyam Kumar

      Shyam Kumarvi aylar önce +one

      @V A - OOOOO - I as so scared...... NOT.
      Pair Kaap rehe the;
      Mathe se pasina chuth raha tha;
      Left Unsaid: Pant geeli ho rahi thi;
      Chaddi peeli ho rahi thi;
      Gaand fatty chuki thi...... , etc., etc. :-)

    • V A

      V Ahalf dozen aylar önce

      @Shyam Kumar Abhi was hit with the intent to turn him into a fireball and evaporate him. Luckily, he survived, we returned him. Dont misunderstand, the missile was released to impale him, message is clear!

    • Shyam Kumar

      Shyam Kumar6 aylar önce +1

      @V A - During World Cup - what happened when PK won the toss and PK team could retain the coin?
      PK's economic system doubled. :-)

    • Shyam Kumar

      Shyam Kumarsix aylar önce +1

      @V A Q: Why did PK release Abhinandan so chop-chop?
      Reply: Considering the PK economy could not afford to requite him any more cups of tea.

    • New Coc

      New Cocix aylar önce +1

      @V A exactly imf dab

  • guidancetips

    Pakistani troops at that time did not the back up of air force to hit indian indian troops back .On the other hand, indian brought airforce to the gargil war.Had pak brought airforce into gargol, the situation may had different.
    Then, at that place was disproportion in the employ of resources .

    • Rahul Kulkarni

      Rahul Kulkarni4 aylar önce

      For Pakistani troops to get air embrace PAF would take had to cross the LoC and that would have resulted in all-out state of war. Whereas IAF could be deployed every bit they would still fly on the Indian side of the LoC. They likewise had strict instructions not to cross the LoC at any time. Lastly, the PAF principal was not in the know of things. So, how could Pakistan take deployed their air force?

    • Vishal Chhabra

      Vishal Chhabrafive aylar önce

      You lot could non send your PAF considering you were lying about invading Kargil. Bewakoofi karo fir bolo ki assymetry thi.

    • guidancetips

      guidancetips6 aylar önce

      No.this is totally misperception and fabricated story on the part of Indians.
      Pak army sent its troops in the guise of freedom fighters.
      That is why air embrace to Pakistani troops was not given.
      There was asymmetry of the utilize of military resources.
      Now, you indians watched the fierce response from PAF in the form of Operation SWIFT Antiphon on 27 FEB, 2019 .The tea is fantastic.

    • Karthik Vijapurapu

      Karthik Vijapurapu6 aylar önce +1

      Lol...Pak Air Force Chief said I am not participating in this madness.

    • Tiks Wanderer

      Tiks Wanderer6 aylar önce

      Whose error was it then
      They couldn't get airforce there
      This is equally delusional every bit the aims of the generals who started kargil

  • hempepe7

    Another prevarication only 200 men??

  • Prakash Pv

    Nasim Zehra is fantastic, wish we can take a visit past her to India.

    • Saurav Singh

      Saurav SinghAylar önce

      About of the Pakistani books on Kargil are okay to read except the one past Shireen Mazari which is absolutely shitty. But none of the books are exceptional.

    • Ravi Nayar

      Ravi Nayarvii aylar önce +2

      There are better books ..more honest from the Indian side

  • M S

    Thousand S9 aylar önce +4

    She is lying about india china edge

    • Alliance

      Alliance7 aylar önce

      @Argent Springs stupid is what stupid says ! your intelligence agency and special forces accept being Afghanistan since the start of Us state of war on terror 😆 the Indian authorities has invested billions in reconstruction and development with the declining northern alliance government in Kabul lol

    • Alliance

      Alliance7 aylar önce

      @Silvery Springs India lost in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan ! Pakistani Full general of the Pakistani military Tariq khan

    • Alliance

      Alliance7 aylar önce

      @Silver Springs name me a war that India has won without losing any territory lol

    • Alliance

      Alliancevii aylar önce

      @Silver Springs yeah we also read Indian generals biographies. In context. And sentinel Indian media propaganda machine

    • Alliance

      Alliance7 aylar önce

      @Silver Springswould you believe an opponent to Modi's government ! If they wereTalking to the red china behind government's back.
      We do know what propaganda looks like , unlike y'all 😂😂

  • M K

    G Chiliadtwo yıl önce +three

    Sasta prepare lag raha hai

  • Saurabh Bhardwaj

    27:35 Pakistanis crossed the LoC and captured Indian posts and started a bloody war that they lost and here she says that one of the Mig violated the LoC? 🤦🏻‍♂️
    What are these people? Why don't they bang on walls while they are walking? These guys are hilariously abrasive 😒

    • hempepe7


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